rule #01
is God
Only 10 websites on each search can rank 1st page of Google.
rule #02
is King
Relevance, optimization, keywords, quantity and quality are the key.
rule #03
is Queen
User experience, navigation, data metrics, visitor traffic and usage signals will boost your rankings.
Who rules the kingdom?
The Google Ranking Factors
There are 9 Key SEO Ranking Factors.
Does your site appear on 1st page of Google?
Do you know how many users visit your web?
Do you know the value of your domain?
Do you know which are your target keywords?
We increase your Web Traffic and raise up your Google Rankings
How we do it:
We create handmade SEO STRATEGIES. With our REPORTS and AUDITS we can help you to get the most of your WEB DATA ANALYSIS to reach the best RESULTS.
We create handmade SEM STRATEGIES. With our ADS and LANDING PAGES we can help you to get the most of your SEM CAMPAIGN to reach the best RESULTS.
We create handmade SEO CONTENT. With our SEO WRITERS we can create posts, articles, reviews… so you don’t have to get a headache to write the SEO content for your website or blog.
How we track it:
We focus our attention on your customers. We use UX tracking tools to enhance your website’s user behavior and content strategy. With our GOOGLE TAG MANAGER Strategies we can help you to track your website users activity, track pdf downloads, scrolling, link clicks, form submissions, video activity… etc
We use website analytics tools to track user’s behavior. Tell us which events, actions and clicks you want to track and we will create a WEBSITE ANALYTICS STRATEGY. We will show you how to track and follow your user’s website activity on your Google Analytics Reports. Do not hesitate, contact us, we can help you.